En bref

Journal des changements pour "Protection Paladin Tanking Guide - WoW Classic 1.13"

  • 17/07/2020 à 16:42 : -Threat meters can now accurately track GBoK threat following implementation of Threat API in Phase 5. -Updated 'Raid Rotations' section with additional info. -Removed Truesilver Breastplate from 'Notable Items' section. -Updated consumables section, removed phase 4/5 tags as they will be current. -Added Libram of Hope to 'Notable Items' section -Added AQ20 and AQ40 paladin tank strats section. Miscellanious- -Removed GBoK Threat Tracker WA due to it becoming redundant. -Added PallyPower Addon description. Par Askalon
  • 05/05/2020 à 13:35 : -Added a Miscellaneous section with a list of recommended WeakAuras Par Askalon
  • 05/05/2020 à 13:11 : -Added YT video embeds for BWL Goblin Technicians. -Added YT video embeds for some ZG bosses. -Updated YT video embeds for BWL Ebonroc and Flamegor. Better footage. Par Askalon
  • 10/04/2020 à 18:11 : Added Zul'Gurub subsection to Paladin Raid Tanking section. Par Askalon
  • 10/04/2020 à 12:54 : Added Paladin Tank PoV Youtube embeds for remaining Blackwing Lair bosses. Par Askalon
  • 25/02/2020 à 17:23 : Modification mineure Par Erorus
  • 25/02/2020 à 13:15 : Implemented Blackwing Lair raid tanking section. Par Askalon
  • 25/02/2020 à 11:13 : Additional formatting and fixes and YT embeds. Prepped BWL raid tanking section. Par Askalon
  • 25/02/2020 à 11:03 : Corrected major formatting issues. Par Askalon
  • 04/02/2020 à 10:10 : Added YT embeds for Golemagg and Magmadarr. Fixed error in greater blessing threat chart Par Askalon
  • 04/02/2020 à 00:50 : Fixed incorrect spell link in Lucifron raid tanking section. Par Askalon
  • 04/02/2020 à 00:23 : Major Update Introduction: Updated to reflected current state of paladin tanks. TL;DR Summary: Added Greater Blessing of Kings as threat generation ability for raids; Updated primary stats list Gearing: Updated Stat Priorities section to have separate stat priorities for different tanking scenarios. Gearing: Updated Weapons & Armor section - added some items that were omitted in previous iterations. Consumables: Overhauled completely. Raid Tanking: Section completely overhauled. Par Askalon
  • 29/10/2019 à 17:45 : Added dungeon tanking section. Added raid tanking section. Mechanics & Analysis: Overhauled greater blessing spam subsection. Mechanics & Analysis: Added SoW mana regeneration subsection. Par Askalon
  • 30/09/2019 à 01:24 : Added new section: Leveling as a Protection Paladin Updated Hidden Spell Threat Generation subsection: added youtube embed to Onyxia tanking video Par Askalon
  • 29/09/2019 à 23:36 : Removed section added erroneously. Par Anshlun
  • 27/09/2019 à 18:10 : Updated mechanics section: Removed Blessing of Sacrifice subsection to due hotfix removing ability for sacrifice to proc Redoubt and Reckoning Par Askalon
  • 26/09/2019 à 19:47 : updated headings / leveling section Par Buuloki
  • 24/09/2019 à 19:34 : Updated Mechanics section: Updated info on using Greater Blessing of Kings as a threat generation tool. Par Askalon
  • 17/09/2019 à 11:21 : - Seal of Righteousness Mechanics section: Updated proc chances for Flurry Axe and Thrash Blade. - Mechanics section: Added Hidden Spell Threat Generation subsection, - Mechanics section: Added Blessing of Sacrifice subsection. - Talents section: Added new talent builds for different use cases. - Weapons & Armor section: Removed Ironfoe due to low proc chance reducing its viability. - Notable Item section: Added Skullflame Shield analysis. - Credits: Added some other people to credit for their contributions. - All: Replaced line breaks with padding to correct accidental HTML conversion and prevent future accidents. Par Askalon
  • 24/08/2019 à 22:07 : Modification mineure Par perculia
  • 18/08/2019 à 01:15 : Fixed the Phase plan Par Anshlun
  • 18/08/2019 à 01:15 : Fixed the Phase plan Par Anshlun
  • 31/07/2019 à 17:06 : Updated Spells & Abilities Section: Added Analysis subsection for Seal of Righteousness. Updated Talents Section: Added statement regarding reallocation of points from Imp Devo Aura. Updated Raid Boss Section: Reworded to be more open-ended on what's tankable. Par Askalon
  • 22/07/2019 à 11:09 : -Updated Introduction section: Added TL;DR sub-section -Updated Gearing section: Added item tabs split by content phases. -Updated Gearing section: Changed old item list into pre-raid BiS list -Correction: Changed block value contributions from Strength from 0.5x to 0.05x Par Askalon
  • 09/07/2019 à 09:49 : Updated 'Talent' section to include more effective talent point distribution. Updated 'Notable Items' section: added Thick Obsidian Breastplate analysis. Updated Raid Boss section: Revised Ayamiss info -> can only be tanked in ground phase. Par Askalon
  • 09/07/2019 à 01:57 : Reformatted some sections into tabs and toggleables. Added Truesilver Breastplate and Demon Forged Breastplate to Notable Items section. Par Askalon
  • 08/07/2019 à 23:42 : Updated Notable Items - Mark of the Chosen - Added spreadsheet illustrating formula for % uptime. Par Askalon
  • 08/07/2019 à 23:06 : Added spreadsheet data for Force Reactive Disk DPS Par Askalon
  • 08/07/2019 à 21:39 : Added Analysis subsection to Spells & Abilities Added Holy Shield analysis. Par Askalon
  • 01/07/2019 à 11:40 : Modification mineure Par perculia
  • 29/06/2019 à 18:28 : Reformatted subsections into quote bubbles Par Askalon
  • 29/06/2019 à 00:51 : Gearing -> Weapons & Armor: Corrected source of Force Reactive Disk Par Askalon
  • 29/06/2019 à 00:48 : Added Strengths & Weaknesses subsection to Introduction Added Notable Items subsection to Gearing Notable Items added: Force Reactive Disk & Mark of the Chosen Par Askalon
  • Statut défini comme Approuvé : 20/06/2019 à 19:28